Exhaustion running high here. Two interviews were scheduled today, pending from 2 weeks ago. I called both places to confirm the timing yesterday. Both gave me the nod. So up I got and went to a travel agency around 11. I asked them as many questions as I could come up with and then ended it in 30 minutes (I laid back on my usual jokes. No point joking with two men who have company promotion in mind). Took a cab & went home to have lunch with Mommy dearest.
Left the house again around 1.30 to travel to Boon Lay (from Thomson!) and this is where my story begins.
I travelled all the way from YCK to Jurong East in a state of daze. I've been so tired since the weekend. Thank heavens for music. Reaching Jurong East, I came out the wrong side. (Apparently I can't read). Got onto the platform that heads to Changi Airport. Too embarrassed to cross back thru the middle train, I went all the way down and walked to the end and came up the escalator. Then hopped onto the connecting train to Boon Lay. Looked around the shopping mall for a cab stand. Hopped into one and told the guy to go to Yunnan Cres. Cab fare: 4.70
Opened the gate to the childcare ctr and searched for something that looked like a doorbell. Naught. Searched again. Screaming children inside. Hot sun outside. Took out organiser, handphone and called the princi. Told her sweetly that I was standing outside. In heavily accented English (she's from China) she started saying that she was in hospital for observation for some shit. I politely asked her why didn't she get someone to inform me and she mumbled something like she did. I told her to kindly meet me in town the next time because there is no way I was going to come back there. She mumbled something. I mean you fucking bought the editorial. Be fucking responsible about it!!
Then I hung up, still suspicious becoz the number I called was the centre's number and she said she was in the hospital. I was too tired to care. As I threw my organiser back into my bag, I swore loudly, scaring away a foreign worker who looked at me, heard me and crossed the road to avoid me. Whatever. Took a shit-long walk under the blazing sun (no pun intended) to the bus stop coz there was no way in hell I was gonna spend another dime on cab fare. Got into a bus that was headed to the interchange. Then, went into the shopping ctr and got a gift for someone and had a very miserable and lonely teatime. Then begin my terribley long journey back home. I left the house at 1.30 and reached home at 5.30. 4 hours of absolute waste.
Welcome to my life.
Why would you piss off a writer who has come to observe and write abt ur ctr? Wrong move. I could play dirty with this ctr and write a totally bad review. I could.