Oooo it's Oct. Where's my pink ribbon? Yup time to show some support! Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Now, unlike last year, I'm not gonna do a whole blog entry on the importance of getting yourself screened if you're a woman above 25 years of age 'cause frankly, I'm kinda tired of repeating it every year. My pin will stay on till the last day of the month as always. =)
I need to stop eating chicken rice! My gawd, everyday for lunch is just not right. Must start adventuring with other dishes....But then familiarity breeds happiness. So...................
Something's just not right these days. I'm in pain as I write this. Who's the God of healing? We need to have a chat.
Private Practice begins today in America. Yay. Ok, I know it's kinda dull but hey, it's still K.W so yay.
I dun really like politics but I love the whole campaigning going on in the States. I mean especially since whatever the outcome is, I won't be affected since I dun live that. Selfish? As always.
I miss hanging out with people. And if you're one of those ppl reading this, then I'm sorry and I miss you. Very much. I'll make it up to you all. Really.
My mother and I had a rather interesting conversation yesterday over lunch. I asked her what would become of me when I'm old, alone and possibly diagnosed with dementia. She told me to check into a nursing home and I asked her with what would I pay and she replied or rather begin to lecture me about the importance of saving. Hmmm.... So lemmie get this right. When you're young you never have enuff money coz well you're a kid, you're a student. When you work, you have bills, commitments and savings to do. When you're old, you economise and live on the savings. So you never really enjoy the cash you make. Interesting.
I'm hating everything rite now. Everything. Me. People. Things. Work. I dunno, maybe it's the meds. Maybe it's just me. But I need to get the bloody Golden ticket. I really do. The pie is never really gonna drop, is it?
I've heard of ex-girlfriend, ex-wife, ex-husband, ex-best friend, ex-boyfriend...but wat the fuck is ex-pregnant?! I mean I get it- formerly pregnant but it conjures up this super stupefied image.
Why is this post so long? I'll end here becoz I've nothing else to say and also coz the pain's killing.
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