Monday, January 30, 2006

in a maple candy mood

hey y'all how's the weekend break? Chinese New Year wishes to those celebrating. My diet so far has consisted of roasted pork (yum) and mandarine oranges. I'm not complaining.

been feeling tired lately. but when i sleep, i wake up feeling even more tired. maybe i should go to a sleep clinic. do we have one here i wonder....

i want maple candy.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006


I love my new bloggy look. Ang get this, I did it MYSELF! Yeah i did. I know I know, u've always thought i was I.T dummy. I still am. This took me long painstaking hours. Heh heh. Ok ok, an hour and 20 minutes. Felt like eternity to me. I love the video. Mindy Smith is awesome. She's gonna be the NEXT BIG THING.
By the way, the tagboard is below the video.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Stop with the remaking

Oh my gawd! They have decided to do a remake of I Dream of Jeannie. What the...?! Cmon...enough of the remakes...They come out crappy...Look at what happened to Charlie's Angels and Bewitched... Don't they teach something? Stop messing around with the old programmes...They were good so let people remember the programmes in a good way...Stop making the remakes and distrupting the memory! Also heard Steven Spielberg wants to remake Mary Poppins!! Nobody can EVER play the part the way Julie Andrews did!

Saturday, January 14, 2006

Don't Steal My Saturday

It is almost three in the morning. I have class in 7 hrs time. Yeah on a Saturday morning!!!Would u believe that?! And nobody is awake for me to bitch to!!!! Stealing my Saturday indeed...Like helllooo...some of us have a social life....especially on saturday nights and we have to be well-rested in the day to enjoy the night life! And that means waking up late and lazing the afternoon off....Grr...I am so pissed...So pissed that I can't even sleep! Bloody hell indeed.....

Thursday, January 12, 2006


Ok with the latest, Angelina's pregnant with Brad's child. Well good for her. Shan't bother anymore. I dunno why but once they become pregnant, it kinda kills everything. Denise Richards, Kate Hudson, Courtney Cox. You know what I'm talking about.

Got the damn colds. Thank you horrible rain of which I have been a victim of.

Saw someone just now. Pinched myself and told myself to keep dreaming. I can't help me.... I mean he is so sweet and damn......And yes mah dahlings, he is single.

I was reading Archie Comics just now and I saw an ad for a 6 m tape bubble gum....I remember those...Some sweet soul used to get them for me from London before. Unfortunately that sweet soul has well upped and left....Me want bubble tape!!!

Sunday, January 08, 2006


Angelina's gone blonde. Ewww.

Saturday, January 07, 2006


That 70's Show sucks without Topher Grace. Period.

Monday, January 02, 2006


Happy New Year everyone! A brand new year to start brand new things like pot and guzzling alcohol through a funnel....Hehe..Kidding....Not!

Anyway, hope everyone is beginning the new year with good health and positive thoughts...For those of you who know me real well, u guys are aware that I never have resolutions coz, who am I kidding, I dun stick to them. Resoulutions are just little happy thoughts u play in ur mind at the stroke of midnight on new year's eve to get ur mind in a mode to prepare for the new year. 3 months into the year and everone is like, what...what resolutions? Heheh..Been there and done that, eh?

Anyway, this yr I have only one exams in May which'll get me into my second year. Screw that and I'm just as good at screwing up my life. Strange enuff, I am starting to like what I am doing. I used to attend lessons with hatred and boredom but recently I am getting the hang of things and placing everything in order and I finally feel like, perhaps this is not that bad. Yeah art history will always be the dream but hey, we dun always get what we dream yeah? But the important thing is to never give up your dreams even if you are 99 years old, semi-blind, deaf and hobbling around with a stick, coz, I feel, when you do give up your dreams, you give up on life. I have three dreams.

1) Study art history to the highest level that I am capapble of.
2) Sing one song with Dolly Parton.
3) Buy a pug.

2 out of three is kind of possible. About the other well, not too sure if I can manage a pug though...Heheheh.
But seriously these are simple dreams. They may or may not come true. But hey, if I were to put in dreams that were possible then they're not dreams. They're just goals. And goals to me, are for working people.

Happy New Year, people. Live 2006 to the fullest.