My spoken English is going to the dogs. I sound like a bimbotic teenager who smokes weed to pass time. Too many 'dudes', 'man' and 'oh my gawds'. I have to cut these out. Even I'm disgusted. I'm supposed to be a writer. Supposed to be, I said. And for a supposedly staying writer, how can I conduct interviews with such disgusting language mannerisms?! I'm repelled by myself.
Aghhh weekend's almost here! Whoopee!
My pool of friends is decreasing. Tragic. Where are ya'll?!
I have this bucket-load of reviews to write but I'm just idling away. Reviews make me feel dull and empty. Me no like.
It's interesting how there are rednecks for Obama. I mean with Palin and McCain around, I (as usual) assumed the rednecks would go for the Reps.
I can't make up my mind if my favourite band for this year is OneRepublic or Travis. Hmmmm.
Ok I've stoned too much in the past 48 hrs. Time to hit those reviews. As in literally with a friggin' bat. I have gone up the stairs of so many childcare centres that if I ever have a child (I said IF), I'm bloody home schooling him!
Have a good Friday and Happy Deepavali.
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