Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The gang turned 40 yesterday! Here's to a long time more!

I love u, Snuffy

Monday, November 09, 2009

Overly drunk and highly incompetent. That was my weekend. And I loved it.

Eyesight and memory are decreasing at an alarming rate. Pretty soon I won't be able to see u and even if I did, I won't even know who u are!

The Namesake by Jhumpa Lahiri is one of the most interesting books I've read this year. Too good to put down. Too hard to let go. (Gogol!....heh heh)

Watched This Is It twice in a space of three days. An absolute proof that MJ was a master at what he did.

My Sister's Keeper was a bit of a disappointment. It wasn't really a tearjerker (but then again, I've been known to have a heart of stone).

Well enjoy yer week!

I'm not so sure I know who u are anymore.

Monday, November 02, 2009

It's Novemberrr!!

Got a letter to pick up my cert. Like finally! Tomoro or rather later will be watching This Is It. Can't wait! Job's in but I'm not sure if I am. Was invited to 2 parties for Halloween but thanks to the rain and the crazy headache and a lack of effort to get a costume, I decided to have a quiet night of Coffee 'N Conversation. A little perked up coz I believe *someone* is coming home for Christmas! Aunts banned me from 'Sunday Wine' coz of the headaches so naturally, I whined! (I had an itty bitty sip and the head crashed).

Oh and I never knew Anthony Quinn guest starred in The Cosby Show.

Also, Happy Birthday to Lali and Chips. Have a good one, ladies!