Friday, June 26, 2009

Speechless and devastated.

1958 - 2009

1947 - 2009

Goodbye angel.

Monday, June 22, 2009

It has been a while, hasn't it?

Been meeting up with people whom I've missed. It's lovely idling away and chatting without the fear of work sitting around or deadlines nearing. It's also frightening not having these around.

I've been back for a week but I still feel lost. It was good while it lasted.

Not liking the news I heard on Thurs. But it sorta pushes me into making a decision about my own life, which in a way is enlightening.

Too many brilliant ideas for the paper but none with endings. It's like inspiration is hanging in mid air! We'll see if anything hatches this week.

I miss so many people who are not here.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Mom bought me a hula hoop. It's glittery purple. 2 weeks ago it was soapy bubbles. Now, a hula hoop.