Saturday, February 26, 2005

Mr. and Mrs. Smith

Oh my god! I just saw the trailer of Mr. and Mrs. Smith! Whao! Nice. That is one couple with on-screen chemistry. Angelina really knows how to handle a gun! My gawd! Release it already. But I gotta wait till June! Aghh the agony of waiting! Check out the trailer at the url below.

same old as day as yesterday, the day before and before that

Hello fellows! Nothing much has been going around lately. I'm having a stiff neck. Can't wait for Oscars on Monday morning. For once I'll be able to watch it live! Woo-Hoo! Still remember the 2003 Oscars. That was my first day in St Francis. And on my first day itself, I was climbing Bt Timah hill, part of the orientation. Dunno which was worse. Missing Oscars or gasping for breath up there! Well, this year I will be watching it in the comfort of my cozy living room, where there'll be no excuse to get off the couch til the awards are over! Woo-Hoo! Aghhhh 'result stress' is killing me. I'm dreaming abt the results and I'm nervous about it. Why don't thy just release it so I can get over with it. Either I did average ok or flunk the whole thing. So, let's just have it ya? Then we can return back to our normal state of mind!!!

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

I am my own boss.

That's right. I am....I wake up when I tell myself to. Sleep when I tell myself to. Eat and do other whenevr I WISH to....It's agood life. Really. That is, until the results come out. Till then i'll be doing whatever I want to.