Sunday, July 30, 2006

How's all? Was feeling a little bored this afternoon so I deceided to take a little trip round the web and I chanced upon this rather interesting site that allows you to write an email to yourself to be posted in the future. So I sent mine out for 27 April 2008. You can also read what others have written if they've posted it under public. (I've listed mine as private coz I dun think anybody'd be interested in wat I have to say to myself).

I've read a few where they are suffereing from either a terminal illness or undergoing a problem and their future letters are filled with hopes of survival. Some are touching, some are weird and some are just plain funny. Check out the site and leave urself an email for the future.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Oh My Gawd...Germany lost?!! I stayed up to watch them play one of the awfullest (i dun care if that's a word or not) games ever...They just couldn't keep up 2 bloody minutes more?!! What the...Is there a reason now, I wonder, to carry on watching the World Cup?

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Dammit...Dammit...DAMMIT! School begins tomoro...I know I told u people 3 months vacation...Load of crap thanks to the school's twisted schedule change..I mean we're in second yr before the results are even out....Hmmmm, i think it has a little something to do with fees and enrolment....Anyway, classes clash with The Ellen DeGeneres Show...Sad? I know...and to think i've been waiting for it..Agh....Anyway, whao Brazil is out of the wordl cup?! Who wulda thunk?!!...Well excuse me while I look at my reading list for second year and weep!