Saturday, July 31, 2004

Low Spirits...

ho-hum...quite down in spirits....haven't been feeling well this if that's not bad enuff, i fell again on wed...cut my knee which just happened to be healing from my previous fall...was walking down the stairs, outside school, (in front of the fountain-pond thingy)...when i missed my step, tripped and fell...My fault, I admit it...I was reading and walking...Yes, I know it's stupid but it happened to be the latest copy of Reader's Digest and I just had to read Kate Hudson's interview!!! Sigh....the worst thing? I was alone...No friends around to help me up, gimmie a hug, u know...everyone had either left already or were still in school...sigh...anyway.....yesterday, during g.p, my right eye started tearing.....a few months back, i had a paper cut on my eye i'm not making it up....seriously....i had been turning the page of my math book (didn't i say math was my enemy?) when i leaned too close to the book and the page sorta slashed my eye....this was months ago and out of the blue, the pain returned....but my sweet classmates...sweet,sweet classmates were there....and they were all so concerned...Yvonne ran to the CMS room to get the eye drops...I didn't wanna use it...but they forced me and i eventually did...which made my eye feel, PU2A, I love u guys...This morn when I woke up, my eye and knee were hurting...And to top it off, I banged my elbow on my room door knob...What the hell's going on?!!!! So as I type this, my knee hurts, I'm semi-blind and my left arm is of no use!!!! Happy Weekend, Sang!!!

Monday, July 19, 2004


Mon afternoon... I should be in school, in Econs class but here I am staring at my comp screen. Not in the mood these days for anything. I have a VCD that's overdue from Bt. Timah's Video Ezy, homwork that's due this week and a piano exam next month which I am absolutely not prepared for....I feel lifeless.Dead. Like it's not worth doing anything anymore. I look to my right. Oh gawd, my Econs homework.... I look to my left...Hmmmm my comfy bed with the 'Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire' book which Li Min bought for me last week as a friendship present. My table's in a mess which looks like an avalanche about to happen. I seem to be stuck in the past. Not the past in my life but the past which past me before I was even born. Like how do u get stuck in something that you weren't even part of? What am I doing? Am i lying to everyone or am I just lying to myself? I find it hard to breathe. Am I holding too much inside? What is it I'm holding in the first place? WHAT?! I seem to be held prisoner in some glass sphere, in myy mind. I am my own worst enemy. I am my tormentor.

Thursday, July 08, 2004

Bad Day

Time check: 9.43p.m...Feeling horrible.Had a bad day today. First, banged my hand against a bottle.. Then decided to go to KAP McDonalds for lunchie with my two buddies, Li Min and Ming Ze....Nearly got knocked down by a car that was turning out of Salvation Army...Wasn't the driver's fault though....Good thing Ming Ze pulled me back so the wheel only ran over my shoe but my toes inside curled immediately (fast reaction thankfully!). It did touch the tip of my big toe though. Was on a shock beat for 5 mins....As if that wasn't enuff, something else happened...After Macs, we were walking to the bus stop....But first we had to go down a slope (coz of the stupid drive-in!). Slippery becoz of the rain....Was cautiously going down but luck seemed to be against me coz I fell. Yup...skinned my knee (Right now, it's smarting!!!) but it was a good thing li min and i had linked arms and walked...she managed to break my fall....Gosh ming ze and li min really saved me from a lot of pain...Groannn.....Why doesn't the feeling of sickness ever leave me? Well, I'm off to snoozeville now....Let me drift off to a place that's peaceful...At least i can enjoy the next few hrs without the horrid feeling of pain..That is till I wake up tomoro morn. Sighhh Let's hope tomoro's better......

Sunday, July 04, 2004

Thomson Rocks!

Ex-classmates of my sec school organised a bbq at East Coast yesterday, Sat, 3-7-04. Supposed to be a farewell party but it was rather a party to catch up wit one another. Had a ball of a time. Met Diana at around 6.45. Took a bus which was a really really really lonnnng ride to East Coast. By the time we reached there it was already 8.20. ALMOST the whole gang was there. Lia, Charmaine, Jiak Thiam, Peizhen, Timothy, Yu Min, Carmen, Zhihong, Xin, Jian, Ji Min, Hsiang Yun, Hui Juan, Bing Chai, Justin, Shing Lam and Zhao Yao. It was exciting seeing everyone. We wre all like totally high.HAHA! It was too late and dark for games but we did have a good time catching up on one another's life.The weather had been threatening all day but thankfully it didn't ruin the nite. Lots of hugs and jokes later, we decided to call it a nite. Lia dropped me off at my place in a cab (saved me from the horrible bus and mrt journeys!). We did a lot of catching up in the cab. Everyone still looks the same (although it seems like everyone grew by a cm or am I shrinking?). You guys, you make a dream possible. It was great seeeing everyone again!