Mom: You can't possibly get lost in the same place twice.
Me: It's possible, Mummy-saurus. It's happened before.
Mom: Where?
Me: City Hall, The East, Central....Just about everywhere.
Mom: Do you know how stupid you are?
Me: I'm not!...Wait a min. If I know, doesn't that make me smart?
Apparently, these days, I dun just get lost. I've graduated from 'lost' to 'lost & stupid'. =S
I'm finally going to see Deeps! Fan-tabulous! Can't wait. =>
I finally got to hold a snake. Weee...Ok it's not as exciting as I thought it would be.
I can't decide whether I should save for Vegas (Casesar's Palace!!) or South Africa (World Cup, 2010)......Hmmm....Cher or Klose? Gawd, I can't decide!
This is an insanely busy week and I hope the weekend gets better. Oh and dun forget to switch off your lights for Earth Hour! Apparently they're even turning it off around the CBD area.

I've finally put up my Engelbert poster. Sigh. So charming. I'm thinking of painting the eyes with neon Glow-In-The-Dark paint. I mean how awesome will that look when I turn off the lights for bed! Sigh....Engel, my angel.
Sweet Slumber!