Watch the Emmys? I caught the repeat telecast and was glad I did. Swell tribute to Aaron Spelling...and wat a sweet surprise when the 'Angels' popped up. So totally unexpected. Never thought three of them wld appear again together. I remember rushing home from school in the afternoons in the past just so I'd be able to catch reruns of Charlie's Angels. That was one cool series. My favourite angel was Sabrina Duncan (Kate Jackson) coz she was the super cool, smart one. Ah, the good times. Anyway where was I? Oh yeah the Emmys...What else was sweet? Dick Clark...It was cool to see him again but a little sad with the slur and all. I mean how he used to be and how he has become will make anybody cry. Damn, he was and will continue to be one of America's best hosts.
Sang, Interrupted
This blog is about my boring life and it is for insomniacs coz after reading the entries, no doubt sleep will be the escape out!
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
The last week has been pretty good. I managed to throw in two movies. Two movies in one week is pretty good seeing how before that my last was around the second week of April .The two movies I caught were Hard Candy and Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna.
Now, Hard Candy was pretty good....Brilliant piece with a cast of 5...2 main characters and 3 characters, with only 5 minutes cameo role. I mean I sat thru the first half hour telling Hayley (Ellen Page) not to trust that fella....But man did the tables turn...I mean I was like in paralysed shock man.....I think Page deserves an award for her performance....She can actually act better than some big Hollywood names...No kidding. My fren though was cringing thruout certain scenes. Never ever judge a person by the way she looks....That was his mistake.
Next film I watched was Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna. Mom and aunt wanted to watch it so I tagged along on Sunday. And man, I wasn't disappointed. Bloody good ending...Indian films should be more like that. I never expected it to turn out that way especially in an Indian film...And of coz, Rani M always gives a friggin' good performance. Though 3 hrs 20 mins left me all crammed up the movie made up for it. When has Karan Johar ever disappointed, right? At the end of the film I was like lef with my mouth hanging...coz like I said, Indian flicks dun end that way. Kudos to Johar. Good job, indeed. And no I am not goona tell u wat happened. Ha!
Anyway, having my term break for a week now. But running around to different branches of the library has been keeping me busy so my apologies for not meeting up with those that I have promised. cheers buds!

Next film I watched was Kabhi Alvida Naa Kehna. Mom and aunt wanted to watch it so I tagged along on Sunday. And man, I wasn't disappointed. Bloody good ending...Indian films should be more like that. I never expected it to turn out that way especially in an Indian film...And of coz, Rani M always gives a friggin' good performance. Though 3 hrs 20 mins left me all crammed up the movie made up for it. When has Karan Johar ever disappointed, right? At the end of the film I was like lef with my mouth hanging...coz like I said, Indian flicks dun end that way. Kudos to Johar. Good job, indeed. And no I am not goona tell u wat happened. Ha!
Anyway, having my term break for a week now. But running around to different branches of the library has been keeping me busy so my apologies for not meeting up with those that I have promised. cheers buds!
Thursday, August 10, 2006
I was bored. So, i thought why not do a search on my name. which i did. same spelling. my first name that is. and get this, the ppl who have my name ,whom i saw, looked icky. i'm not kidding. I was like ewwwww.....Now i know it's not that everybody with my name looks horrible but the ones i saw would make u wanna jump down a cliff or rather push those ppl down a cliff. I mean my gawd. I was so disgusted i almost choked on my own puke. I know I know...Looks aren't everything but there must be a basic criteria for people to follow on how to look. I mean we're not talking gorgeous or yummy here but rather presentable. But the ppl I saw were a far cry from presentable. ugh.