Saturday, January 13, 2007

So, I told myself no internet the next three days till I get the reading

done. But as I was casually browsing the net, I came across the video

called 'Aileen- Life and Death of a Serial Killer'. I saw it was 90 mins

and knew i couldn't waste such time watching so I thought 3 mins was

all I'd catch. But this is one video that'll disallow you to just watch a bit

or even half. So I watched the full thing and afterwhich felt that I had

to blog about it. If you're still unsure about which Aileen I am referring

to, it's Aileen Wuornos. Remember the serial killer? She was portrayed

by Charlize Theron in the hit film, Monster. Now I haven't watched

Monster yet coz I think it's banned here. Anyway back to the

documentary, by the time it was over, I found myself sympathising with

Aileen. Sure she killed those fellas and all but I think it has got something

to do with her past...I mean nobody in their absolute sound mind would

have committed those murders. ...And to watch Aileen speak about

them, the hidden fear she harboured abt her execution which she kept hidden

frm everyone and basically to know that Aileen Wuornos, had nobody

in this world she could trust, was just so painful. I am siding with a killer

and I am not ashamed of it. All she ever needed in her life was someone

to give her a hug and tell her that she should chase her dreams. Not

lable her. The woman was labelled at 13 for having a child! I sat

through the documentary feeling sure that Jeb Bush used Aileen's

case to his full advantage. His election was coming up and what better

way to secure a seat than to sign the execution slip and kill the number

one public enemy? Win the public over. It's disgusting. Aileen obviously

had issues. Issues that dealt with her emotional state. The way they

wrote her off absolutely pathetic. She probably 'confessed' just to get

out of the shit 12 yr- death row they put her on. I mean this was a person

sayng it was self-defence all along and finally she gives in and tells

them what they WANT to hear. It's pathetic. Yes she did the crime and

should do the time but I am still very much against execution regardless

of which manner it is carried out in. Aileen's was lethal injection. It is,

wrong to kill someone. When a person kills someone, you DO NOT

punish him by killing him...It doesn't make any bloody sense.

It just doesn't. You say it's wrong and yet you allow it in the

name of the law.

The link of the documentary.


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