I got tired of seeing Angelina stare at me with a brown background. Someone commented that he felt like taking a crap whenver he visited. Hence the new change.
Monotonous flow of life has been interrupted with parties through September and October. Right after I decided that having long hair was a waste and cut it off. Had to attend the parties with a bob cut that looked like an insanity induced crop.
Found Charlie's Angels DVD Season 1 and 2. That's right. The 70s version with Farrah Fawcett-Kate Jackson-Jaclyn Smith (Season 2: Cheryl Ladd replaces Fawcett). It's been 10 yrs since I first caught the repeats on cable. I loved it then. I love it now. I hate the movie version though. Bloody bimobotic portrayals in the movie version. Was a little shocked when I hrd abt Fawcett cureently battling intestional cancer. I mean to watch her so charismatically in her Angel role and to know the harsh reality she is currently encompassed in. Sad.
Time is passing in a very abnormal pace. To me, that is. I mean in another 2 weeks, it'll be Nov. Sometimes the realisation of the extreme fast pace of time seems to release a feeling of me being strangled. I need it all to stop. Stop to smell the roses. How can i stop and smell the roses when everything is in such a rush that even the bloody roses have been trampled in all haste?!
Monotonous flow of life has been interrupted with parties through September and October. Right after I decided that having long hair was a waste and cut it off. Had to attend the parties with a bob cut that looked like an insanity induced crop.

Time is passing in a very abnormal pace. To me, that is. I mean in another 2 weeks, it'll be Nov. Sometimes the realisation of the extreme fast pace of time seems to release a feeling of me being strangled. I need it all to stop. Stop to smell the roses. How can i stop and smell the roses when everything is in such a rush that even the bloody roses have been trampled in all haste?!
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