Saturday, December 29, 2007

What an absolutely devastating manner to end the year in. I hate politics, I really do. Yet letting an entry go by without me touching on Benazir Bhutto just doesn't seem right. It is not for the loss of a politilcal leader that I mourn for but rather for a mother of three children. Pakistan's hopes for democracy has died with Benazir Bhutto. She leaves behind a country that formerly harboured potential democratic ruling thoughts but now is just a country stuck in a wide hole filled with chaos and confusion, without any way out.

Assasination in the 21st Century...Is this really the kind of world we want our children to live in? Disgraceful as we let ourselves live in fear of terrorism. What's worse is, we are passing this fear to future generations. It has, rather, become part of the circle of life. There is no end to this miserable state. Bleakness resides in the future. A future of terror.


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