Well Well, what can I say? Every minute of Engelbert was so astounding. I enjoyed it from beg till end. No regrets. And oh my, I never knew a 70 year old man can still harbour so much charm and sexiness. Engelbert charmed his way into everybody's heart that night, despite the differences in ages among the audience. He kept teasing us with 'Release Me' and everybody was just waiting to start belting out the lyrics but a true performer that he is, he kept it for last. You could just hear the audience getting lost in his melodious voice and -oh-so-sexy eyes (we had those huge tele thingys at the side of the stage). Engelbert - a true legend.
In other news, I have been quite busy since Monday running to and fro to TTSH. My poor aunt, while giving a P.E lesson in school on Monday had a bad fall and has fractured her right arm and left leg. It's really bad since she can't really balance on either side as a result. Since she lives by herself, we told her to extend her hospital stay till next week at least. I mean it's not that we wouldn't go over and help her but why say no to professional help eh? One good thing is she's in first class so I get to laze around on the empty couch in her room and use all the chairs (Yeah I am fat, bite me). Momsy and I have been keeping her company most of the time while her collegues from school and the rest of my family visit int he evenings. I tried reading some of my school stuff in the hosp but it was so boring and the air con was so cold that I kept nodding off. Sigh, looks like I am not gonna get much work done this week. Oh well, I am just praying for a speedy recovery for my aunt. Poor thing, she's hurting real bad coz every movement she makes, it hurts.
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