Been missing from the home front for quite a bit eh? Well was feeling a little empty. Wasn't sure about a lot of things and missed just having someone to bitch to. Told my mom that i was empty and she said the cure for that's doing chores. Yeah, I dun geddit either.
Have been watching a lot of Carpenters video clips. Karen Carpenter, what a loss. I remember the first time I heard the Carpenters. I was 5 years old and the radio played the song 'Rainy Days and Mondays' coz it was storming outside. Though I was 5, I'd never felt that way about any song before (or since then). Just the whole arrangement of Karen's voice with the music was amazing.
Exams approaching. Hope I will be prepared by then. can't believe it's almost a year that I have been entangled in this course. Amazing yeah?
Well I'll be back again once the exams are over. Till then, dun miss me.

Exams approaching. Hope I will be prepared by then. can't believe it's almost a year that I have been entangled in this course. Amazing yeah?
Well I'll be back again once the exams are over. Till then, dun miss me.
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